Influencer Gateway: Your Key to Connecting with China

Utilizing KOLs in China is essential, not optional, but it's crucial to execute it correctly.

Cultural Resonance

In China, influencers deeply understand and align with local culture, making them crucial for brands aiming to personally connect with consumers.

Trust Building

In China, high trust in influencers for recommendations and lifestyle inspiration aids brands in building credibility and converting followers to customers.

Complex decision

Choosing a KOL in China is a complex decision due to the enormous number of options, making data-driven selection the only effective solution.

We are here to assist and support your influencers / KOLs campaigns in China.

Our 15 years of experience and numerous successful campaigns enable us to take a data-driven approach, powered by AI, to enhance KOL efficiency, addressing the complexity of selecting the right KOL in China.

We have access to exclusive KOLs and MCNs, ensuring optimal results for your brand.

We have exclusive partnerships with leading KOLs in China, guaranteeing our clients preferred access and competitive pricing for collaborations.

Our influencers / KOLs / KOCs marketing services in China

Data Analysis

We dive into the numbers to see what's trending and who's paying attention. This helps us find the best influencers to share your brand with the right people in China.

Influencers Selection

We pick top Chinese influencers who fit your brand perfectly. By looking at who they are and how they connect with their fans, we ensure they can really get your message across.

Campaign Execution

We handle everything from the big idea to hitting the "post" button. This means creating cool content that fits your brand and making sure it's seen at the best time.

Commerce Integration

We make it easy for fans to buy what they see. By linking products directly in posts, we turn interest into sales, tapping into China's huge online shopping scene.

What can you expect from us ?

An access to our exclusive deals with selected KOLs

Access to a network of over 10,000 KOCs

KOLs that drive sales

Our Work

Jaguar Land Rover

How it works ?

KOLs Selection & Contract

To choose and contract with a KOL in China, use a data-driven selection based on your brand goals and budget, and ensure the contract clearly outlines expected outputs and sales commission.

Content production and Sales

The content creation and posting process by a KOL involves receiving a brief from us as the agency, creating engaging content (such as short videos, posts, or livestreaming sessions), and ultimately driving sales conversions.

KPIs and Payment

The KOL must meet their KPIs and provide proof of performance to receive payment, with data reporting being crucial for maintaining a transparent relationship.


Most frequent questions and answers about Influencers and KOLs in China
Finding the right influencer in China involves understanding your brand’s target audience and matching it with the influencer’s followers. Utilize platforms like Weibo, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu to identify influencers who align with your brand values and have a genuine connection with their audience. Engaging with an influencer marketing agency can also provide access to detailed analytics and insights, making the selection process more efficient.
The cost of partnering with an influencer in China can vary widely based on their popularity, the platform they use, the campaign scope, and the specific industry. Prices can range from a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars per post. It’s essential to negotiate and clearly define the campaign’s expectations and deliverables upfront to ensure a good return on investment.
Weibo and Douyin are among the most efficient platforms for hiring influencers in China due to their massive user bases and diverse content formats. Weibo offers a microblogging experience conducive to brand-influencer collaborations, while Douyin, the Chinese counterpart of TikTok, is perfect for viral video content. The choice of platform should be guided by where your target audience spends most of their time.

Leverage an influencer in China by integrating your products into their content in a way that feels natural and engaging. Utilize live streams, product reviews, unboxing videos, and special discount codes exclusive to the influencer’s followers. Influencers can directly link to product pages on e-commerce platforms like Douyin, Tmall or, driving immediate sales.

A typical way to work with an influencer in China involves initially reaching out with a clear proposal that outlines the campaign goals, deliverables, and compensation. Once agreed upon, brands often collaborate with the influencer to create content that aligns with both the brand’s identity and the influencer’s style. Continuous communication and performance tracking are key throughout the campaign to ensure objectives are met and to adjust strategies as needed.

Chinese Platforms

Red - 小红书

Our own private KOLs and KOCs database

Wechat - 微信

10+ years experience on the platform

DouYin - 斗音

We are an official Tiktok & Douyin Marketing Partner

Clients Who Trust Our Expertise

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