eCommerce in China is challenging and can be costly, but with the right approach, it offers immense potential for growth and profitability.

Your eCommerce challenges ahead in China

Localization and Consumer Behavior

Localization is crucial in China’s e-commerce market, involving accurate translation and tailored marketing to align with local cultural nuances. Understanding unique consumer behaviors, such as the popularity of social commerce and live-stream shopping, is essential for engagement. Brands must use platforms like WeChat and Douyin to build a local presence effectively​

Building Brand Trust and Awareness

Building trust and awareness requires significant investment in local marketing and collaboration with key opinion leaders (KOLs). Ensuring a consistent brand message across all channels helps resonate with Chinese consumers. Effective strategies involve understanding local preferences and targeted marketing to establish brand loyalty

Intense Market Competition

China’s e-commerce market is highly competitive, dominated by major players like Alibaba,, and Pinduoduo. New entrants must invest heavily in marketing to gain visibility and compete with agile local brands. Continuous innovation and flexibility are essential to stay competitive in this dynamic market​

We are here to help and to support your cross-border eCommerce growth in China

With over 15 years of expertise, we have navigated the complexities of eCommerce in China for a diverse range of clients, from international brands to SMEs.

Our experience includes managing eCommerce stores and Direct To Consumer (DTC) shops, effectively addressing localization challenges, building brand trust, and competing in a highly competitive market.

What can you expect from us ?

Data driven strategic market entry and positioning

Perfect understanding of the local eCommerce shoppers to grow your brand in China

Privileged relationships with e-commerce platforms and e-distributors

Our eCommerce Services in China


For over 15 years, we've been expertly managing China eCommerce marketplaces for our clients. Leveraging a data analytics-driven strategy, we're committed to boosting your sales growth and profit margins on Tmall / Taobao / Jing Dong / PinDuoDuo

DTC - Direct To Consumers

Our expertise in traffic generation will attract visitors to your DTC (Direct to Consumers) store in China, utilizing a mix of free, paid, or earned strategies. In China, DTC success hinges on WeChat and leverages private traffic.


Our extensive network of distributors, both online and offline, spans all regions ins China. We can find the ideal distributor in China for your product.

Social Commerce

SocialCommerce has become the primary driver of commerce growth in China. We execute large-scale campaigns with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and Key Opinion Consumers (KOCs) on Douyin/Tiktok to sell your products.

Tailored Business Models for your eCommerce Success in China

We understand that every brand has unique needs and goals in the Chinese market. Our diverse business models cater to different levels of involvement and investment, providing flexible solutions that align with your specific requirements.

Marketing Agency Model

Agency Fees based on service complexity

TP (Trade Partner) Model

Monthly fixed fee per store plus commission on sales.

Distributor Model

Growth margin on products

Our Work


Our eCommerce Platforms in China

DouYin - 斗音

We are an official Tiktok & Douyin Marketing Partner

Tmall - 天猫

15+ years experience on the platform – Official Certified TP 

Jing Dong - 京东

Marketplace or retail Distribution – We manage both

Wechat - 微信

eCommerce and Loyalty Miniprograms

How it works ?

Planning and Research

We combine your goals, industry expertise, and products with our data insights to craft the optimal eCommerce strategy.

Launch and Promote

We design and open your sales channels in China. We generate traffic through KOL, KOC, paid media and content.

Campaigns and Optimization

We manage eCommerce campaigns for major Chinese shopping festivals like 11.11 and 6.18. We continuously optimize operations, media, campaigns, and sales to maximize performance.

We supercharge eCommerce in China with AI

Enhanced Consumer Experience

AI improves personalization and shopping satisfaction.

Reduced Operational Costs

AI optimizes supply chains and logistics, reducing waste and costs.

Integration of Digital Humans

AI-powered virtual influencers provide personalized shopping interactions.

AI Chatbots

AI chatbots reduce customer service costs by handling routine inquiries and support.

Usage of AIGC

AI-generated content (AIGC) enhances user engagement and drives innovation in eCommerce.


Most frequent questions and answers about eCommerce in China

The cost to start an e-commerce business in China can vary widely depending on the scale and scope of the operation. Initial costs include website development, registration fees, initial inventory, and marketing. It’s crucial to also factor in ongoing operational costs such as platform fees, shipping, and staffing.

Social commerce plays a critical role in China’s e-commerce landscape. Platforms like Douyin, WeChat and Xiaohongshu integrate shopping with social media, allowing users to purchase products directly through these apps. This integration significantly influences consumer purchasing behavior.

Yes, foreign companies can participate in cross-border e-commerce in China without establishing a legal entity. They can sell products directly to Chinese consumers via platforms like Tmall Global, Douyin and JD Worldwide, which handle logistics and customs clearanceToggle Content

Product registration is not required for foreign companies selling through cross-border e-commerce channels. This exemption facilitates easier market entry for products that would otherwise need compliance with domestic regulations.

In 2024, China’s e-commerce sales are projected to exceed $3 trillion, demonstrating significant growth from previous years. This surge underscores China’s dominant position in the global e-commerce market.

Categories such as healthcare, luxury goods, electronics, and fashion are experiencing robust growth. The healthcare and luxury segments, in particular, are thriving due to increased domestic consumption and a growing middle class

Operational costs include platform fees, which can vary depending on the e-commerce service provider, logistics costs, warehousing, and customer service operations. Marketing and advertising expenses also constitute a significant part of the budget​.

A TP, or Tmall Partner, helps foreign brands navigate Tmall’s platform by managing store operations, marketing, customer service, and logistics. TPs are crucial for brands that need local expertise in effectively reaching Chinese consumers​.

Media costs can vary widely but are essential for driving traffic and conversions. Costs depend on the choice of platforms, the extent of digital marketing campaigns, and competition for ad space, especially on popular platforms like WeChat and Douyin.

To reduce costs, businesses can utilize AI for customer service via chatbots, optimize supply chains with AI-driven analytics, and employ automated marketing tools to streamline operations. Leveraging technology not only cuts costs but also enhances efficiency and customer experience​

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