Conquering China's Social Commerce Hurdles: Essential Services for Brands

Navigating Social Commerce in China

Understanding Local Consumer Behavior

The Chinese market is heavily influenced by social commerce, user-generated content, and KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders). Foreign brands need to navigate these dynamics effectively to connect with local consumers.

Adapting to Platform-Specific Ecosystems

Major social commerce platforms like Xiaohongshu/Red, WeChat, and Douyin have unique features and user bases. Brands must tailor their strategies to fit each platform's ecosystem, which can be resource-intensive and complex.

Compliance with Local Regulations

China has strict digital and e-commerce regulations. Foreign brands must comply with these rules, including content censorship and data protection laws, to avoid legal issues and potential business disruptions.

We are here to help and to support your cross-border eCommerce growth in China

With over 15 years of expertise, we have navigated the complexities of eCommerce in China for a diverse range of clients, from international brands to SMEs.

Our experience includes managing eCommerce stores and Direct To Consumer (DTC) shops, effectively addressing localization challenges, building brand trust, and competing in a highly competitive market.

What can you expect from us ?

Data driven strategic market entry and positioning

Perfect understanding of the local influencers ecosystem

Privileged relationships with social commerce platforms

Our Social Commerce Services in China

Social Commerce Management

Manage and optimize the brand’s presence on key social commerce platforms such as Xiaohongshu, WeChat, and Douyin. This includes setting up official accounts, creating engaging content, running targeted ads, and leveraging KOLs/KOCs for influencer marketing.

Influencers and KOLs Engagement

Identify, connect, and collaborate with key influencers and KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) relevant to the brand’s industry. This includes managing influencer relationships, planning and executing campaigns, and measuring the impact on brand visibility and sales.

Product Distribution and Logistics

We will distribute your products in China by developing and implementing efficient distribution strategies tailored for the Chinese market. This includes partnering with local logistics providers, optimizing supply chain processes, and ensuring timely delivery to consumers.

Data Analytics and Consumer Insights

Utilize advanced data analytics to provide insights into consumer behavior and market trends. This includes tracking campaign performance, analyzing social media engagement, and providing actionable insights to refine marketing strategies and improve ROI.

Tailored Business Models for your Commerce Success in China

We understand that every brand has unique needs and goals in the Chinese market. Our diverse business models cater to different levels of involvement and investment, providing flexible solutions that align with your specific requirements.

Marketing Agency Model

Agency Fees based on service complexity

TP (Trade Partner) Model

Monthly fixed fee per store plus commission on sales.

Distributor Model

Growth margin on products

Our Work


Our Social Commerce Platforms in China

DouYin - 斗音

We are an official Tiktok & Douyin Marketing Partner

Wechat - 微信

eCommerce and Loyalty Miniprograms

Red - 小红书

Our own private KOLs and KOCs database

How it works ?

Planning and Research

We combine your goals, industry expertise, and products with our data insights to craft the optimal eCommerce strategy.

Launch and Promote

We design and open your sales channels in China. We generate traffic through KOL, KOC, paid media and content.

Campaigns and Optimization

We manage eCommerce campaigns for major Chinese shopping festivals like 11.11 and 6.18. We continuously optimize operations, media, campaigns, and sales to maximize performance.

We supercharge Social Commerce in China with AI

Enhanced Consumer Experience

AI improves personalization and shopping satisfaction.

Reduced Operational Costs

AI optimizes supply chains and logistics, reducing waste and costs.

Integration of Digital Humans

AI-powered virtual influencers provide personalized shopping interactions.

AI Chatbots

AI chatbots reduce customer service costs by handling routine inquiries and support.

Usage of AIGC

AI-generated content (AIGC) enhances user engagement and drives innovation in eCommerce.


Most frequent questions and answers about Social Commerce in China
Social commerce in China involves buying and selling products directly through social media platforms like WeChat, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu, integrating e-commerce with social interactions.

It’s a dominant trend, driven by high mobile usage, influencer culture, and consumer trust in peer recommendations, making it crucial for brand visibility and sales.

Key platforms include WeChat, Douyin (TikTok), Xiaohongshu (RED), and Pinduoduo, each offering unique features and user demographics.

KOLs are essential for brand credibility and reach. Their recommendations significantly influence consumer purchasing decisions, driving traffic and sales.

Challenges include understanding local consumer behavior, navigating complex regulations, adapting to platform-specific ecosystems, and managing logistics and distribution.

By partnering with relevant KOLs, brands can enhance credibility, reach wider audiences, and create engaging content that resonates with local consumers.

Brands must comply with Chinese laws on content censorship, data protection, and e-commerce regulations to avoid legal issues and ensure smooth operations.

Partnering with local logistics providers and optimizing supply chain processes are critical for efficient and timely product delivery to Chinese consumers.

Data analytics provide insights into consumer behavior and market trends, helping brands refine their strategies, improve ROI, and stay competitive.

Brands should localize their content, engage with platform-specific features, and tailor their marketing campaigns to align with local trends and consumer preferences.

Costs can vary widely based on platform fees, KOL engagement rates, advertising expenses, and logistics. It’s crucial for brands to budget for these elements to ensure effective campaign execution.

KOLs typically charge based on their follower count, engagement rates, and the scope of the campaign. Fees can range from a few thousand RMB for micro-influencers to millions for top-tier influencers.

Competitive pricing is essential. Brands often adopt localized pricing strategies considering local purchasing power, competitor pricing, and consumer expectations to attract and retain customers.

Effective budget management includes setting clear objectives, targeting the right audience, monitoring ad performance, and optimizing campaigns based on data-driven insights to maximize ROI.

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