To succeed in China's social marketing, companies must resonate culturally, build strong brands, and localize strategies.

Conquer the Chaos: Thrive Amidst China's Diverse Digital Landscape

Navigating a Fragmented Social Media Landscape

China’s social media environment is highly fragmented, with multiple popular platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, Douyin (TikTok), and Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book). Each platform has a unique user base and content style, requiring tailored strategies. Understanding the demographic preferences and usage behaviors of each platform is essential but challenging

Cultural Sensitivity and Localization

Foreign brands often struggle with effectively localizing their content to resonate with Chinese consumers. This involves more than translation; it requires understanding local cultural values, trends, and consumer behavior. For instance, incorporating local festivals and adapting marketing messages to local nuances are crucial for success​

Fast-Paced Market Digital Changes

The Chinese market evolves rapidly, with frequent changes in consumer trends, platform algorithms, and marketing practices. Keeping up with these changes requires continuous monitoring and quick adaptation, which can be resource-intensive for foreign brands

We are here to assist and support your social marketing content and campaigns in China.

With over 15 years of expertise, we have successfully navigated the complexities of social marketing in China for a diverse range of clients, from international brands to SMEs.

Our services encompass data-driven content strategy, creative and execution of social campaigns, KOL and KOC activations, and local content production.

What can you expect from us ?

Data driven strategic creative and content

Perfect understanding of the local social media landscape and trends

Exclusive relationships with KOLs (key opinion leaders) and KOCs (key opinion customers)

Our social and digital marketing services in China

China Social Marketing Strategy

We combine innovative ideas with smart data analytics to identify the right content angles and topics that resonate with Chinese audiences. Our data-driven content strategy uncovers trending topics and consumer preferences, ensuring our content aligns with what resonates most with your target audience. We also engage your brand in major cultural festivals, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mother's day, etc..


We're not just any creative agency. We craft stories that make waves in the Chinese market. From full campaigns to cutting-edge social media and gaming activations, to videos that capture attention—short or long. Every piece of content is tailored specifically for Chinese audiences. We plan big with a 12-month roadmap and adapt quickly to keep conversations fresh and engaging in China's dynamic digital landscape. Let's make your brand's story unforgettable in China.


We view influencer marketing as a versatile tool for achieving your goals in China, from boosting brand visibility to driving conversions. Our expertise spans short-term campaigns to long-term partnerships, all fueled by data from over 100K Chinese influencers and enhanced by genuine relationships, innovative strategies, and precise tracking tailored specifically for the Chinese market.

Content production

We're pioneers in creating standout content for China's social and digital platforms. Our in-house team crafts videos, graphics, and more, ensuring your brand shines in the Chinese market. From original content to influencer collaborations, we tailor assets specifically for Chinese audiences to maximize engagement and make your message unforgettable. Elevate your presence with us, where creativity meets strategy, tailored for China.


Jaguar Land Rover

Our Social Media Platforms in China

Red - 小红书

Our own private KOLs and KOCs database

Wechat - 微信

10+ years experience on the platform

DouYin - 斗音

We are an official Tiktok & Douyin Marketing Partner

How it works ?

Planning and Research

We combine your branding goals with our data-driven insights and social listening tools to craft the optimal social media strategy for the Chinese market. By leveraging in-depth analysis of Chinese consumer behavior and trends, we tailor our approach to engage and resonate with the Chinese audience, ensuring your brand stands out on chinese social media platforms.

Creative and Content production

Our social media creative and content production process in China is all about crafting captivating stories that resonate deeply with Chinese audiences. We infuse local cultural elements, trending topics, and unique Chinese storytelling techniques into our work.

Amplification and Engagement

To amplify and drive engagement for a social media campaign in China, we leverage KOLs and KOCs, utilize deep platform algorithm knowledge, and offer tailored incentives. By partnering with influencers and using data-driven insights, we maximize reach and create compelling content that resonates with Chinese audiences, ensuring impactful and engaging campaigns.


Most frequent questions and answers about eCommerce in China
Localization involves more than just translation. It’s essential to adapt the content to fit local cultural nuances, preferences, and trends. This includes using local idioms, aligning with Chinese aesthetics, and understanding the values and interests of your target audience in China.
Opening an account on WeChat or RED from overseas can be complex due to regulatory requirements. It’s often best to partner with a local agency that can navigate these requirements, including identity verification and providing a local business license if needed.
To work with influencers (Key Opinion Leaders or KOLs) in China, identify KOLs whose audience aligns with your target market. Partner with a local agency to manage outreach, negotiations, and campaign coordination. It’s crucial to ensure the KOL’s values align with your brand.
Yes, our team is proficient in both English and Chinese, ensuring clear communication and effective collaboration with your brand to achieve your marketing goals in China.
Monitoring Chinese social media platforms, trending hashtags, and news sites is key to staying updated on trendy topics. Utilizing social listening tools and collaborating with local experts can also provide insights into current trends relevant to your campaign.
WeChat is a multifunctional platform ideal for building long-term customer relationships and content sharing, while RED is focused on lifestyle content and product reviews, making it excellent for influencer marketing and reaching younger audiences.
Engagement is crucial as it builds trust and loyalty. Responding to comments, messages, and participating in discussions shows that your brand values its customers and is active in the community.
Visual content such as videos, infographics, and high-quality images perform well. Content that tells a story, is entertaining, or provides valuable information tends to engage users more effectively.
Chinese social media algorithms often prioritize content from verified accounts, high engagement rates, and trending topics. They also emphasize the relevance of the content to the user’s interests and interactions.

Yes, you can run paid advertising on platforms like WeChat, Weibo, Douyin, and RED. Each platform has its own advertising system and targeting options. Partnering with a local agency can help optimize your ad campaigns for the Chinese market.

Brands we served

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