Exlantix : Premium Automotive brand - Chery Group

Services : Brand Experience / Design / Packaging / Visual Identity
Exlantix represents a novel premium automotive line within the Exceed portfolio of Chery Automotive group, distinguished by its integration of advanced technology and luxury to redefine the essence of driving with a global perspective.

Our Mandate

Tasked with creating a distinctive visual identity for Exlantix that breaks away from traditional Chinese design influences, we aimed to embody a universally appealing design philosophy.

Our goal was to encapsulate the brand’s luxurious nature and its ambitions on a global stage, ensuring widespread resonance.

The Outcome

The fruition of our efforts is a comprehensive visual identity that captures Exlantix’s innovative ethos and premium stature.
This identity spans across all brand interactions, fostering a coherent and captivating brand presence.

From its emblem to the choice of typography, color schemes, and imagery, each aspect meticulously echoes Exlantix’s dedication to superiority and its pioneering spirit in the luxury automotive market, laying a robust groundwork for its international unveiling.