Branding Through Sound: How Podcasts Captivate China’s Market


Have you heard about the latest trend sweeping through China’s marketing scene? It’s all about podcasts—yes, those digital audio shows we all love. Over 150 brands have jumped onto the podcast wagon on Xiaoyuzou, the Chinese Podcast app. From global giants like Nike to niche players like Aesop and Patagonia, everyone’s getting their voice out there.

Why Podcasts Are the New Darling of Chinese Marketers

Podcasts aren’t just a hit; they’re a phenomenon, especially among the young crowd in bustling cities like Shanghai and Beijing. There’s been a massive talk about them, with mentions soaring by 195% on Red—a popular social platform here. What’s driving this buzz? It’s the fresh, engaging way podcasts connect with listeners, providing a mix of entertainment and information that’s hard to beat.

The Audience: Who’s Listening?

Podcast listeners in China are typically city slickers, aged between 26 and 35, and are well-educated. That’s not all—they also have a pretty decent spending power, averaging about ¥7,695 a month. And guess what? Over 70% of them are tuning in from major cities, showing us where the market’s heartbeat is strongest.

The Strategic Play: How Brands Are Winning With Podcasts

Since last year, more international brands have started curating their podcasts, aiming to stitch a closer relationship with their Chinese audience. These aren’t just random talks. Brands are meticulously crafting content with professional producers to spark loyalty and pump up their brand image.

Spotlight on Success: Stochastic Volatility and Kering

Take ‘Stochastic Volatility,’ a leading podcast that dives deep into feminism and literature. They recently teamed up with Kering’s ‘Women in Motion’ for a special series. This collab isn’t just about airtime; it’s about stirring conversations and celebrating the powerful narratives of Chinese female artists and creators. It’s impactful and shows how aligned content can resonate deeply with listeners.

What’s the Big Deal?

Here’s the scoop—podcasts are more than just a platform; they’re a community. Brands that get this are not just seen; they’re followed. They manage to weave their narratives into daily conversations of millions, turning casual listeners into loyal fans. With over 150 brands consistently producing monthly episodes, this isn’t just a trend; it’s a shift in how brands communicate.

Breaking Down the Magic: Custom Content and Collaborations

It’s not just about launching a podcast. The magic is in the content. Custom segments tailored for specific audiences, such as luxury or sports fans, are making waves. Podcast KOLs are also expanding their horizons, opening new doors for collaborations from online communities to live events and exclusive interviews.

Wrapping It Up: Why Podcasts?

If you’re wondering why podcasts are becoming a go-to strategy for brands in China, it’s simple—they offer a unique mix of trust and personal touch. Brands can engage directly with their audience in a way that feels both intimate and scalable. Whether it’s through custom content, strategic collaborations, or interactive campaigns, podcasts allow brands to create a voice that speaks directly to, and grows with, their audience.