China Rolls Out National Digital ID System Trial


China’s newly proposed national digital identification system is being trialed across more than 80 internet service applications, just days after Beijing released the draft rules on July 26 for the public to review and comment until August 25.

What is the National Digital ID?

Internet users can now apply for their national digital ID, which includes a user name, a “web number,” and a QR code, by logging onto a mobile app called National Web Identification Pilot Version, developed by China’s Ministry of Public Security (MPS). To get the digital ID in the app, users must go through steps like national ID card verification and facial recognition.

Where Can You Use It?

Users can experiment with the digital ID on 81 applications so far. This includes 10 public service platforms and 71 commercial apps, such as popular social media provider WeChat, online shopping service Taobao, and online recruitment platform Zhaopin.

Why This Matters

The background: The proposed digital ID, detailed in a draft provision released by the MPS and the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) on Friday, aims to cut down on the personal information that internet platforms can collect from their users. The draft rules say users can apply for the digital ID on a voluntary basis.

This new system comes at a time when some internet platforms have abused the current real-name registration system, collecting excessive amounts of their users’ personal information. This has raised privacy concerns and risks of data leaks.

How Does It Work?

Let’s break down the process:

  1. Verification: Users first need to verify their national ID card.
  2. Facial Recognition: Next, they must pass a facial recognition check.
  3. Digital ID Issuance: Once verified, users receive their digital ID in the app, complete with a user name, web number, and QR code.

The Benefits

This system is designed to give users more control over their personal data. By limiting the amount of information that platforms can collect, it aims to protect user privacy and reduce the risk of data breaches.

Potential Challenges

However, there are potential challenges. Implementing a nationwide digital ID system is a massive undertaking that requires robust security measures. Any vulnerability could lead to significant privacy issues.

What’s Next?

For now, the trial phase will help identify and iron out any issues. Users and experts will be able to provide feedback until August 25. The insights gained during this period will be crucial for refining and improving the system before it’s rolled out on a larger scale.

Your Move

As a marketer or business leader interested in China, it’s important to stay informed about these developments. The introduction of a national digital ID system could significantly impact how businesses collect and manage user data. Staying ahead of these changes will help you navigate the evolving digital landscape in China effectively.

Final Thoughts

China’s national digital ID system represents a significant step towards enhancing online privacy and data security. As the trial progresses and feedback is collected, we’ll see how this initiative shapes the future of digital interactions in China. Keep an eye on these developments and be prepared to adapt your strategies accordingly.