Chinese Suppliers Protest Temu’s Controversial Penalty Policy


In late July, a surprising scene unfolded outside Temu’s office building in Guangzhou. Hundreds of suppliers gathered, their frustration boiling over. Why? They were fed up with Temu’s new after-sales penalty policy, which they say is hitting them hard.

Footage that’s been buzzing on social media shows the protests got so heated that some suppliers even made it into Temu’s 25th-floor office. They were demanding their retention money back, which Temu had been deducting based on post-sale issues. This was all part of Temu’s approach to handling problems with sales, but it’s left a lot of people unhappy.

The Penalty Policy: What’s the Big Deal?

So, what’s all the fuss about? Temu, a sibling app of Pinduoduo, has been slapping sellers with fines since March. The fines have been substantial, with some hitting five times the declared price of the goods. That’s a serious hit for many businesses, especially when the specific reasons for the penalties aren’t always clear.

The policy aims to address post-sale issues, but the lack of transparency has been a major sore point. Sellers are finding themselves fined tens of thousands to even millions of yuan without a clear explanation. No wonder the frustration is boiling over.

Why the Outrage?

It’s not just about the money. Suppliers feel the fines are arbitrary and harsh. They’re seeing their hard-earned cash deducted, sometimes without knowing exactly what went wrong. This kind of uncertainty can be a major blow to small businesses that rely on e-commerce platforms to thrive.

On top of that, the lack of communication from Temu about these penalties has left many suppliers feeling in the dark. Without clear guidelines, it’s tough for sellers to avoid penalties and keep their businesses running smoothly.

What’s Next for Temu?

As of now, Temu hasn’t officially responded to the protests or provided any detailed answers about the fines. The silence is only adding to the tension. Suppliers are waiting to see if Temu will address their concerns or if more protests will follow.

This situation is a big deal not just for the suppliers but for Temu’s reputation as well. The platform needs to find a way to address these concerns and provide clearer guidelines to avoid further backlash.

Implications for the E-Commerce Industry

Temu’s situation is a wake-up call for the e-commerce industry. It highlights the need for transparency and fairness in how platforms handle penalties and fines. If platforms don’t communicate clearly and fairly, they risk alienating the very businesses that help them thrive.

As we watch how this unfolds, it’s clear that the e-commerce space needs to pay attention. Suppliers and sellers should have a clear understanding of the rules and how they’re enforced. Without that, tensions like these are bound to rise.

Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story and how it might impact the broader e-commerce landscape.