OpenAI Cuts Off API Supply to China


Developers across various countries and regions, including mainland China, have recently reported receiving a ‘warning letter’ from OpenAI. This letter states that OpenAI will take additional measures to stop the use of their API in unsupported regions starting July 9. For developers who heavily rely on OpenAI’s API to build and optimize their applications and services, this announcement is a significant setback.

The Impact on Developers

The letter from OpenAI has caused considerable concern among developers who depend on its API for their operations. Many developers fear that these blocking measures will hinder their business development and potentially lead to the stagnation of innovative projects. However, some see this as an opportunity to focus on developing localized solutions, thereby promoting technological diversity and innovation.

Immediate Responses from Chinese AI Companies

In response to OpenAI’s announcement, major Chinese model companies have quickly taken action. Zhipu AI, SiliconFlow, 01.AI, MiniMax, and Baidu AI Cloud have all released plans to support developers affected by the API shutdown. These plans include special relocation offers, free tokens, and zero-cost migration solutions to help developers transition to Chinese large models seamlessly.

Zhipu AI’s Special Relocation Plan

Zhipu AI has announced a special relocation plan specifically for OpenAI API users. This plan includes:

  • 150 million tokens (50 million GLM-4 + 100 million GLM-4-Air)
  • Migration training from OpenAI to GLM
  • Token gifting plans for high-volume customers, matching OpenAI usage scales
  • Concurrent scale equivalent to OpenAI, high-level membership policies, and exclusive relocation consultants
  • Support from five technical experts per day, along with filing training and assistance

SiliconFlow’s Free Token Plan

SiliconFlow, an AI infrastructure company founded in August 2023, has announced its “Token Free” plan. This plan includes making top open-source large models like Qwen2-7B, GLM-4-9B, and Yi-1.5-9B permanently free. Additionally, the prices of large model APIs on SiliconCloud are very affordable, with new users receiving 20 million tokens for free.

Baidu AI Cloud’s Inclusive Plan

Baidu AI Cloud has launched the Large Model Inclusive Plan, offering zero-cost access to its largest domestic model platform. Services include:

  • Free access to the ERNIE3.5 flagship model and other main models
  • Free fine-tuning training services
  • Zero-cost SDK migration tools
  • Expert migration and usage guidance services

01.AI’s Half-Price Replacement Plan

01.AI, a unicorn company founded by Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, has introduced the ‘Yi API Half-Price Replacement Plan.’ This plan provides:

  • Smooth migration services to Yi series large models
  • A credit limit of 100 yuan for new customers
  • Platform top-ups with a 50% bonus credited amount
  • Upgraded service quality and ultra-fast response speeds

MiniMax’s Zero-Cost Migration Solution

MiniMax has launched a zero-cost nanny-style migration solution. This plan includes:

  • Fully compatible open platform interface with OpenAI
  • One-click migration
  • Free use of the MOE architecture large model
  • Technical expert support during migration

MoonShot AI’s Compatibility

MoonShot AI has revealed that its open platform API is compatible with OpenAI, allowing developers to migrate smoothly with minimal code modifications. This compatibility ensures that developers can continue using similar functionalities with MoonShot models.

Long-Term Implications for China’s AI Industry

The shutdown of OpenAI’s API has limited impact on China due to the need for record-filing and approval processes for large model websites in the country. However, it highlights the importance of domestic AI technology innovation. The cessation of OpenAI’s services could drive Chinese AI companies to accelerate independent research and development, fostering technological advancements and reducing reliance on foreign technologies.

Promoting Domestic AI Innovation

In the long run, this situation may encourage more developers and enterprises in China to adopt domestic large models. This shift can help mitigate potential risks associated with relying on American open-source large models and promote the growth and innovation of the Chinese AI industry.

The OpenAI API shutdown presents a significant challenge for developers in unsupported regions, including China. However, the swift response from Chinese AI companies offers hope and alternative solutions. As the AI industry evolves, the focus on domestic innovation and self-reliance will likely drive the future development of AI technologies in China, ensuring resilience against similar disruptions.