Xiaohongshu Seed Awards: How Brands Are Succeeding in China


The buzz around Xiaohongshu’s first-ever Seed Awards, held on August 7th, is still fresh, especially among those of us keeping a close eye on China’s rapidly evolving marketing landscape. If you’ve been wondering what’s driving some brands to outshine their competition, this is it. The Seed Awards spotlighted brands that have mastered the art of ‘plant seed’—a term that might sound quirky at first but is becoming a cornerstone of effective marketing in China.

Let’s break it down. The idea behind ‘plant seed’ on Xiaohongshu, which loosely translates to “sowing grass seeds” or “planting grass seedlings,” is all about creating a sincere recommendation that sticks. Think of it like this: a brand puts out a product, and instead of just hoping it sells, they strategically engage with their audience, planting the idea that this product isn’t just good—it’s exactly what you need. This isn’t just about making a sale; it’s about embedding that product into people’s lives in a way that feels natural and desirable.

The Big Winners: Who’s Leading the Pack?

At the Seed Awards, nine contests were held, 54 winning cases were celebrated, and three brands walked away with the grand prizes: Synear Foods, NIO, and Atour Planet. What’s fascinating here isn’t just that these brands won but how they won.

Take Synear Foods, for instance. Their success story is a masterclass in blending tradition with modern marketing tactics. At the tail end of 2023, Synear Foods rolled out their Douyin (China’s TikTok) Shop Super Brand Day, pushing their new “Persimmon and Lucky” Tangyuan. Now, if you’re unfamiliar, Tangyuan is a traditional Chinese dessert made of glutinous rice balls served in hot broth or syrup—comfort food with a deep cultural resonance.

But Synear didn’t just sell Tangyuan; they sold the idea of “Good luck in everything” through their product. The “Persimmon and Lucky” Tangyuan isn’t just a tasty treat; it’s a symbol of good fortune, especially during festive seasons. The product’s design—three-dimensional persimmons in a vibrant, carrot-juice-infused orange—was both visually appealing and delicious.

Synear’s strategy didn’t stop at just launching a product. They took to Douyin with a robust livestream campaign, offering perks like customized insulated bags to early adopters. They even launched a winter solstice mission on the platform, pulling in young celebrities to amplify the campaign’s reach. The result? Three months post-launch, they sold 100 million units on Douyin alone.

The Science Behind ‘Plant Seed’

What Synear did isn’t just a fluke—it’s part of a larger, more scientific approach that Xiaohongshu is championing. At the Seed Awards, Xiaohongshu’s COO, Ke Nan, talked about their vision of “lifestyle e-commerce,” which is about more than just selling a product. It’s about understanding the desires and needs of the people buying them.

On Xiaohongshu, every product is viewed as a “seed,” and the platform’s mission is to help brands plant these seeds in a way that they’ll grow naturally in the minds and lives of consumers. This isn’t just about getting people to buy something once; it’s about fostering a long-term relationship where the product becomes a staple in their lives.

Ke Nan put it succinctly: what users are really buying from Xiaohongshu isn’t just a product—it’s a piece of the lifestyle they aspire to. And that’s why the ‘plant seed’ method has become a science. Brands that can tap into this—who really get their audience’s needs and wants—are the ones who will see the most sustainable growth.

Why This Matters to You

If you’re a marketer or business leader looking at China, the message from Xiaohongshu’s Seed Awards is clear: you need to think beyond the product. In a market as competitive and fast-paced as China, success hinges on understanding the lifestyle your product fits into. It’s not enough to just sell something that works; you need to sell something that people feel genuinely connected to.

The brands that are winning big on Xiaohongshu aren’t just selling—they’re engaging. They’re creating stories, tapping into cultural symbols, and making their products a part of the consumer’s everyday life. This isn’t just marketing; it’s about building a brand that people feel a personal connection to.

And let’s not forget about the power of social media platforms like Xiaohongshu and Douyin in driving these connections. If your brand isn’t on these platforms, you’re missing out on the chance to really embed your products into the lifestyles of millions of consumers.

The Takeaway for Your Brand

So, what can you do with all this? Start by thinking about your product as more than just a commodity. Ask yourself: How does it fit into the lives of your consumers? What cultural or emotional strings can you pull to make your product not just something people buy, but something they want to buy?

The success of brands like Synear Foods shows that when you align your marketing with the cultural and emotional lives of your audience, you’re not just planting seeds—you’re cultivating a garden that will keep growing for years to come.

If there’s one thing to take away from Xiaohongshu’s Seed Awards, it’s this: the future of marketing in China isn’t just about being seen—it’s about being felt. Make your brand a part of the lifestyle your consumers aspire to, and you’ll be planting the seeds for long-term success.

And there you have it. The latest from China’s vibrant marketing scene, straight from the Xiaohongshu Seed Awards. Whether you’re just entering the market or looking to deepen your impact, the lessons here are invaluable. It’s time to think like a gardener, not just a seller—plant your seeds well, and watch your brand flourish.